Blog Reasons Why Lanzarote Will Be Busier Than Ever

Reasons Why Lanzarote Will Be Busier Than Ever

Midway through December 2020 and we looked back over what had been a historically crazy year. Lives had been turned upside-down in the majority of cases. Family life, work lives & private lives, to name just a few, had all been impacted in ways that we probably never thought possible.

The one thing that we could feel positive about at that point looking ahead, was that 2021 should bring some sort of calm back into the world.

Maybe it wasn't going to be like before but hopefully it will be steady, so that people could feel confident enough to make plans for the future.

Well we can certainly attest to all of the good things happening for the island over the last year or so, because Lanzarote is busier than ever!

How have things affected Lanzarote?

When it comes to the Canary Islands, there are signs of what could be an upturn even in the face of what has been sheer upheaval, simply due to the way that people think about travelling.

The decision to buy property here, to live or invest in, is generally influenced by two main factors. One is the attractiveness of the destination for full or part-time living and a second is how strong the tourist market is within that location, to potentially support the investment in the property.

Lanzarote's Unique Location in the World - An Amazing Bonus

When we look at Lanzarote, not only is it a beautiful island to visit with a wonderful year-round climate, it is also just 4 hours on a direct flight, from most European cities. On top of that it has been highlighted as one of the safest places on Earth!

Lanzarote is not overrun with large high-rise hotels and it never will be, due to planning laws protecting its biosphere reserve status through UNESCO. Many visitors choose private rental accommodation also, which means that there is lots of ‘breathing space’ to enjoy.

Have recent events changed Buyer Behaviour?

Espacio Lanzarote has had interest from buyers who are are now looking at putting off a purchase in Cypress or Florida, for example, due to the longer (often multiple) flights needed. Some of the idyllic sheen has disappeared from these destinations for Europeans with the realisation that on balance, there are so many beautiful places closer to home.

Search Criteria Changes of Lanzarote Buyers

From the Lanzarote property side for example, when speaking with property buyers, we have noticed a change in search criteria towards properties that are on the larger side, with balconies being a must have. Also, there is a swing towards multiuse properties, with separate living/apartment area(s) that can be used by extended family members long term, or for income generating purposes even while the main home is still in private use.

Long Distance Travelling Curtailed?

The same could be said for travellers seeking a sun destination within easier less complicated distances. The confidence in the recent float by AirBnB, highlights the changes that have occured in holiday makers choice of accomodation. It also points to how likely people are to seek out non hotel-based holiday experiences going forward.

A deeper look at this trend has revealed that a strong reason for this change, is that there are no common areas with a high concentration of people or complete building lockdowns, should the worst happen. In all of these cases, Lanzarote is ideally placed as a top choice for holiday makers, life relocators and property investors alike.


The end of 2020/beginning of 2021 with the announcement of vaccines holds strong signals of being a wonderful ‘re-boot’ for Lanzarote, after what has been a very harsh time. Espacio Lanzarote property consultants are here to help, if you wish find and buy your ideal property in Lanzarote. Know your options when it comes to Lanzarote Properties for Sale for use as a second home, for full relocation or strong investment. Call +34 686 606 541 today or Contact Us Here your enquiry.

If you know this island you will already know about its magic. If you don’t know Lanzarote, then we recommend visiting, so that you too have a chance to fall in love with this wonderful space.

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Espacio Lanzarote Real Estate, 5 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
[email protected]