Blog Lanzarote. Do I need to learn Spanish to live there?

Lanzarote. Do I need to learn Spanish to live there?

      This is a question that we hear a lot from people who are seriously considering a move to Lanzarote.  Let's take a closer look at answering this question here:

      Being able to communicate in Spanish means that you are less reliant on others when it comes to certain tasks. It means that you can join in with local conversation and feel more connected to your surroundings. It could also open up a whole new circle of friendships that would pass you by otherwise.  

      Lanzarote has a large community of expats from the UK, Ireland and Germany so the need to learn Spanish is not quite as strong as it would be when moving to another Spanish speaking location with less tourism.

      Many locals have good English and German speaking skills especially in the service industry but in saying that, if you need any official paperwork you will find understanding the language, having a friend who does or hiring a professional would be needed in some situations.

        Check out the Easiet Way to Learn Spanish Here

      What Language to they Speak in Lanzarote?

      The language of the Canary Islands is Spanish (Castellano) but the pronunciation of Canarian Spanish sounds are more similar to that of of Latin America. Many of the of colloquial words used also highlight the links between the Canaries as well as the Latin American countries.

      In Lanzarote, the locals occasionally tone down the 's' at the end of a word. They also pronounce 'z' as an 's', instead of 'th', like mainland Spanish speakers. Certain words are also reduced which can make them more difficult to recognise and Canarians tend to talk really promptly!

      Canarians are very obliging however and if your someone to talk slower ( ¿Puede hablar más despacio?) and try to pick out particular words to obtain a suggestion of what they are saying they are usually very open to helping you understand and even improve your Spanish language skills!

      Numerous words originate from the indigenous people of the Canary Islands and also continue to be today. These can often be names of places and communities.

      Regional languages are heard on some islands and in the countryside. For visitors, it is possibly far better to avoid attempting to discover the local dialect and simply use mainland Spanish.

      English and also most western European languages are spoken by many people in Lanzarote, especially in significant hotels like Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carmen and Costa Teguise.

      It is always worth making the initiative to speak the language when seeing an additional country. Probably you might take an expression book with you. It can be fun to discover a few words of Spanish, which will be valued by the residents.

      Why learning Spanish is great for a life in Lanzarote

      Life can be made much easier and more enjoyable by understanding the songs, theatrics and goings on while your soaking it all up! There is usually something going in Lanzarote with it's many customs, traditions and festivities (so many that it can be hard to keep up with sometimes)

      What are the Benefits of learning Spanish So?

      Learning Spanish is a wonderful gift to give yourself

      For instance it is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world behind #1 Mandarin Chinese, and ahead of English at #3. In total it is spoken by 534 million people worldwide (mucha gente!) Although it has depth like any language, it is relatively easy to become generally fluent in Spanish and a superb way to keep your brain cells exercised. If you travel internationally, it is the most used language in countries such as Central and South America. Many Caribbean countries also use it as their main idioma (Spanish for language)

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      It will help to improve your career prospects if you are seeking employment. Second language skills are always in demand alongside English even for remote work position.

      Having a language skill could make you money! Lots of people require translation services or help with paperwork for example.

      Spanish people in general are very hospitable and enjoy conversation in a very inclusive open manner. Being part of that can be fun, informative and something that is easily missed by many people who dont take the time to learn Spanish. 

      Spanish is definitely considered to be one of the easier languages for native English speakers to pick up. 

      To expand on what was said earlier: Even though the grammar and pronunciation are different from English (obviously) on the plus side Spanish is more consistent in terms of its structure.

      Did you know that English acquired almost 30 percent of its vocabulary from Latin?

      Because of this, you will be able to immediately recognise and understand many Spanish words. Thankfully you can communicate a lot with even simple grammar, so even before you reach a high level of understanding you will be able to express yourself very well.

      Certainly enough so that locals will see that you are making an effort to be part of ‘their world’.

      It is also a great pleasure to put what you learn into practice and for it to be understood. Making a game of learning is a great way to go about things.

      Choose a new word each day and try using it in a sentence, that is basically how you learned your native language anyway!

      It’s more than just learning to ask for a coffee or beer!

       Check Out the Easiest, Fastest Way to Learn Spanish Here

      Absolutely! Convenience can be one of the most convincing reasons to learn Spanish. Just to give a comparison on how widely it is spoken: There are more Spanish speakers in the United States than in any other Spanish-speaking country except Mexico! That’s right, there are more people speaking Spanish in the United States than in Spain!

      English speakers often see and hear Spanish already, especially on TV, in movies or music. You would be surprised. Once you know a few words instead of tuning out the language, you will be able to tune in to it better.

      Every encounter with the language is a fantastic opportunity to practice and improve.

      Try ordering a meal in Spanish when you arrive in Lanzarote put on Spanish-language radio or television while you're pottering about the house. Add some Spanish-language TV or radio stations alongside what you usually watch or listen to in your home. It works wonders.

      The best part is that none of this requires taking copious amounts if action.

      It is a nice way to make Spanish a part of your day and tunes your ear into the sounds and pronunciations.

      Learning a second language can help you to express yourself differently

      What do we mean by this? Ideas can often be summed up in different ways through other languages. Sometimes one word can sum up a meaning that can take up an entire sentence in English.

      A new turn of phrase can be funny or insightful.

      Many wise words have been spoken through the years (and some not so wise!) and so having an affinity with a new language can allow you to express yourself in a different way.

      It may even help foster aspects of your personality that might not manifest through in your native tongue. All languages have natural restrictions within their usage. Studies have shown that by learning another language changes in thought patterns can be experienced by the learner.

      This can give us more insight into meanings. It also helps us to maintain a physically healthy mind/brain, through the challenges that it brings.

      Learning a third language might also seem less daunting in the future should you decide to do so!

      There are always language exchange events going on in Lanzarote. As you are learning Spanish you can also help another person learn English for example. This is a super easy way of expanding your social circle too. No matter how you choose to learn Spanish (online, classes, a tutor, apps) the best way to stay interested and motivated is through engagement with Lanzarote life, if you are doing it here.

      Connecting with one or all of the many theatre, music events or festivities is a great way to stay motivated. Try listening to others as they chat in bars or restaurants. Pronunciation and the cadences of speech can be learned this way. The choices are endless. Music is also another wonderful way to engage the mind with learning, especially when you hear a song that you know well, but sung using Spanish lyrics.

      There is a high level of satisfaction and a sense of ease in your surroundings when you have knowledge of a local language. It can help you find out about things that are wonderful, yet could pass you by just as quick. It can help you fully explore a culture and provide new ideas or insights, not just about the language you are learning but also about your own culture. In many ways learning a language is about breaking down invisible barriers so that we experience a better understanding of each other and ourselves. It can also help to reveal the many similarities that we share as people no matter which walk of life we come from.

      The beauty of technology means that there are very few excuses for not learning a second language. Even while the world is still a very uncertain place. Maybe the best reason of all to learn could be as a project for yourself, to combat the uncertainties that you have faced in recent months! To come out of the recent madness as a more prepared person, with more skills, so that the future is a less daunting place. You can be guaranteed that someone will be looking for your advice at some stage as well using your new found skill, so that alone can give you a reason to show off a little bit. Either way, it is all a bit of good fun.

      Do you need Spanish to live in Lanzarote? No..... However!

      We would definitely suggest learning Spanish. That is different from actually needing to know the language if you wish to move to Lanzarote. It would not be something that stops you from relocating. Many people from Ireland, the U.K and Germany have lived on the island for years without learning! But would you be doing yourself a favour by getting to grips with it anyway? The answer is a definite, Si!

      >>Say Hola to your new Language Skill. Get started Here today and Learn Spanish

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