Blog Journey Through Time: A Brief History of Lanzarote Island

Journey Through Time: A Brief History of Lanzarote Island

The island of Lanzarote, located in the Canary Islands, has a rich history that dates back to the pre-colonial era. The island's first inhabitants were the Guanche people, who lived in small communities and were known for their advanced agricultural techniques. 

Eventually the Guanche people were conquered by the Spanish in the 15th century, which marked the beginning of a new era for the island.

The Guanche People

The Guanche people, also known as the Canarians, were the indigenous people of the Canary Islands. They lived in small communities and were skilled farmers, using advanced techniques such as terrace farming and irrigation to cultivate crops such as barley, wheat, and grapes. The Guanche people also raised sheep and goats, and were known for their sophisticated mummification practices.

Despite their advanced agricultural techniques, the Guanche people had a relatively simple way of life. They lived in caves or simple houses made of stone and clay, and had a complex social hierarchy with kings and nobles.

They also had a complex religion, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses, and practiced rituals such as human sacrifice.

Spanish Conquest of Lanzarote

The Spanish conquest of the Canary Islands began in the 15th century and was led by the conquistador Jean de Béthencourt. The conquest was not easy, as the Guanche people put up a strong resistance, but the Spanish ultimately emerged victorious.

After the conquest, the island underwent significant changes. The Spanish introduced new crops such as sugarcane and oranges, and built new towns and cities, such as the capital city of Arrecife.

They also introduced Christianity, which eventually replaced the Guanche religion.

Latter Year Economic & Demographic Developments

In the centuries that followed, Lanzarote experienced a period of economic and demographic growth. The island's economy was based on agriculture and fishing, with important export products such as wine, cochineal and salt. The island's population also grew accordingly, with many immigrants from Spain, South America and other European countries settling on the island.

During the 19th century, the island underwent a period of modernization, with new infrastructure such as roads and ports being built.

This period also saw a decline in the island's traditional industries, such as agriculture along with fishing and an massive increase in tourism.

which has become the main industry on the island to this day

The island's population has grown to around 180,000 inhabitants and it continues to attract visitors from all over the world.

Regional and National population of Lanzarote

The majority of the population of Lanzarote is of Spanish descent, with a significant number of immigrants from other European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and Ireland. There is also a small community of immigrants from Latin America and Africa.

The island is divided into several municipalities, with the capital city of Arrecife being the largest and most populous.

Other important municipalities include Yaiza, Teguise, and San Bartolomé.

In all

The island of Lanzarote has a rich history that spans several centuries.

From its earliest inhabitants, the Guanche people, to the Spanish conquest and the modern era, the island has undergone many changes and developments.

Today, it is a popular tourist destination of course with a diverse population and a thriving economy yet it has played a major role in shaping both modern europe and the Americas! 

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