Blog Pros and Cons of Relocating to a Warm Island like Lanzarote

Pros and Cons of Relocating to a Warm Island like Lanzarote

You'd probably would agree that summertime is a great time of year especially when you can enjoy the sun, the beach or the pool. Unfortunately if you are living in a Northern European country these types of experiences are not always guaranteed each year.

This can increase the temptation to live in a warmer location entirely.

Moving to warm beautiful Lanzarote is often a dream that many people would like to make happen and it has many good sides, but you might also ask about the downsides. 

So lets take a look at what could the Pros and Cons of relocating to a warm Island such as Lanzarote can be?

Some people might think that there are only pros to life by moving to a warmer climate but there are always two viewpoints.

It's easy to think of the benefits to life in a warm climate, beginning with the fact that......

Warmer Weather is Very Good for Your Health

It has been proven to have positive effects on the body especially due to the fact that sunshine causes the production of vitamin D. Why would this be important to anybody?

Well, Vitamin D can make you feel more energetic. It is exceptionally good for your bones. It can help you prevent cancers and it's excellent for blood pressure.

Vitamin D can help to stabilise the heart and immune system. At the same time it can also affect metabolism which is good news for anybody who likes to be exposed to natural light. 15 minutes per day is all that is needed to increase levels of vitamin D.

Apart from that your body will generally feel better because cold air of northern countries in the winter can have quite a severe effect on your lungs.

Lanzarote air is not only warm but some of the cleanest known to anywhere in the world, due to the lack of pollution

Warm Weather Helps Reduce Stress Naturally

Stress levels are usually lower in warmer climates. An increase in the happiness hormone serotonin can be felt by many in warmer climates (ever get that summer feeling?!)

Serotonin is a natural mood improver and so we may not feel the need to reach for medicinal ones perhaps! 

Maybe You would Like to Sleep Better?

Did you know that increased levels of melatonin are produced when you live in warmer climates? Melatonin is known as the sleepy hormone and this can equate to a better night's sleep.

Other effects of sunshine can have a noticeable effect on our wellbeing, physiologically and psychologically.

The ‘Winter Blues’ is an expression that most people are aware of.

It's a feeling of melancholy that can descend sometimes during the colder Northern European months, making dark evenings feel much longer, and can be a source of self esteem issues or lack of motivation.

Many people in Nordic countries counteract this problem by using light box therapy to increase their intake of natural light within just a few minutes daily.

Certainly an easy way to get the superb benefits that a boost of natural light offers.

It can Motivate you to get ‘Outdoorsy’!

Outdoor pursuits such as walking, jogging or swimming can become more appealing in nicer weather. It can help to motivate people who normally have an ‘indoors mindset’ to get out there and embrace nature once again.

Just the fact that there are so many nice things to do here Lanzarote means that staying indoors just doesn't seem right.

Which sounds better? 

Taking an evening time walk along a sunny beach shore during the winter months or sitting in front of the TV with curtains closed and unnatural heat on in your house?

(The warm weather will eliminate heating bills in most cases bills)

The Feelgood Factor in the Air

Having that holiday feeling in the air can reduce stress levels that can be experienced by living in  Northern European countries.

Gone are the traffic jams or cold mornings which take their stressful, emotional toll and a more relaxed environment definitely allows us to step back and enjoy life just a little bit more.

Even though Lanzarote weather in January can be a mixture of heavy showers and blustery wind, it is far from the normal heavier weather that is experienced in Northern Europe.

This alone can serve to remind us of how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful place.

Slower Pace and Change of Diet Often Comes Along

It is an interesting topic when we really think about how life changes when we move to a warmer climate. The feel-good factor of being as well as the slower pace can help those who frequent the island or relocate entirely to live a longer healthier life.

One way that we often see this as an example is the natural changeover from heavier foods and replaced with smaller meals.

Increasing fish or salad intake, simply due to the way the body digests in hotter climates and the selection of foods that are on offer, allows for a better diet.

Living in Lanzarote Can Save you Money

Bear in mind also that living in hotter climates will eliminate heating bills (in most cases). You don't need to wear as much heavy winter clothing and you should find that cold car- starts become a thing of the past (as does getting out of bed just that little bit earlier if you need to clear a car of snow or frost)

Pursuits from golfing to paragliding, diving, trekking or photography are simply easier in warmer locations, but hang on, surely there have to be disadvantages as well.

Let's have a look at some of the things that people don't always like about warm weather living.

What are the disadvantages of Living in Sunny Lanzarotes Climate?

The most noticeable thing that people often feel that they miss after moving to Lanzarote are the seasons of the year.

The lack of 'snowmen making possibilities' during Christmas or the feeling of arriving into a warm home or pub with log fire can be things that people miss.

The autumn colours or sheer greenery of the parks and countryside with its streams and bird call can be another. The other thing that can affect some more than others in hotter climates are the insects.

In particular the mosquitoes in Lanzarote can impact on their quality of life certain times of the year with some people being more prone to mosquito bites than others. 

As in all of the Canary Island there are things that we should be careful of perhaps because people are more active. All of that great weather can also be the root cause of people trying to do too much at once in terms of their activity.

It Can be Tempting to Over Do It!

After moving to a warmer country if anyone is thinking of changing their lifestyle, then it is probably the best idea to start off slowly and build up a tolerance to heavier exercise over time.

The same can be said of that glowing disc in the sky called the sun.

More Skin Care is Definitely Required

Skin problems can also be an issue whereby many folks from northern countries do not have a natural tolerance for the consistency of sunlight.

Again building up tolerance over time is highly recommended no matter how well you feel that your skin can cope. Sun creams are always recommended.

Locals will tell you themselves about the dangers that the sun here can pose, even on overcast days, the sun's UV rays can be much stronger than you think. Even those with more sallow skin should take as much care as those lighter skin and hair.

There are a huge range of products to suit everyone - while making life more comfortable. There are always situational changes that need to be considered when moving to another country.

In Lanzarote, skincare will probably be one of the most important lifestyle change for you if you decide to move.

So is Life Better in a Warmer Climate Such as Lanzarote's? 

On balance, we can whole heartedly recommend exploring life in sunnier climes, if you feel drawn to it. Two weeks of the year is often not enough for people.

Having spoken with people who have moved to Lanzarote over the years, no matter where they originally came from, when asked where their heart is, they would usually say Lanzarote.

As the old saying goes: Home is where the Heart is. 

For any questions or queries with regards to buying a property as a future Lanzarote home, a holiday home in Lanzarote or as Lanzarote investment property, then Espacio Lanzarote Real Estate is here to help you on your journey.

Contact Us & outline details about your ideal property. That way when we get back with you then within 24 hours, we will be able to provide you with more focussed advice from the very start.

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