Blog 10 Tips to Make Your Move to Lanzarote Much Easier

10 Tips to Make Your Move to Lanzarote Much Easier

Ever dreamed of relocating to a warm climate where outdoor living is more of the norm than a rarity and where you can enjoy a more relaxed pace of life?

The Canary Islands can certainly provide all of the above benefits, and more, so what can you do you to prepare for a life abroad in Lanzarote?

These 10 Great Tips for Relocating to Lanzarote should Help

1. Do Your Research

This may appear like a very obvious thing to say, afterall this is what you are doing by reading this article, right? Yet we urge you not to leave it until the least minute, or worse still when you arrive in your 'dream location'.

We are not just talking about research regarding where you will stay for the next month or so. We are talking about really knowing the place that you are destined for inside out.

Questions such as:

Will it suit your tax situation if you decide to move full time?

What are the job opportunities like?

How much to budget for household bills? Water, Electricity, Shopping

What car running costs are likely to be?

How to transfer or get a drivers licence?

Will you need health insurance cover and what are the costs need new cover?

What Capital Gains Taxes are applicable or potential Inheritence Tax Factors need to considered?

Basically we are suggesting that should be relocating full or part time only after getting a full scope of how it can affect your live (in any event and that of your loved ones).

Obviously it is case by case, tailored to your circumstances, and there are things that can only be discovered about a location (and yourself, how daily life feels etc) when you are in the ground.

But as much as possible try to mentally put yourself in the shoes of your future self, using these new found facts as guidance.

Picture yourself as if you are already living there. It will definitely help you adjust even more quickly so that you can hit the road running!

Tip: Search for "international movers near me" to research moving companies that can help you with your move to the Canary islands.

2. Start Planning the Process Early

This just can't be stressed enough.

The earlier you start planning your move, the better. This will give you plenty of time to take care of all the necessary details, such as packing, arranging transportation, and applying for any necessary visas or permits.

Moving Parts

Ther are a lot of 'moving parts' in a process such as this. As much as possible you will want them to piece together seemlessly. Know which parts have larger effects over the other (see the example below)

Get the Legals on Track

The amount of times that we have had calls from panicked buyers who have everything else in motion yet their NIE or TIE hasnt arrived, meaning they can't close a property purchase (and therefore throwing a wobble into their whole chain of events) forces us to really put a focus on having legals started asap so that there are no holdups.

Whether you are buying or rentingin your new location, don't leave permits or legals to the last minute. Tackle legal matters first! 

Plan for the Worst and Prepare to be Surprised

A solid strategy of your planning is to add in extra time for delays - what we mean by this is that inevitably there will be something that doesn't go 'as planned'. In the above example a simple phone call two weeks in advance would have saved approximately 650€ in extra storage costs (and 1 weeks sleepless nights, stress etc)

But it actually could have cost them their 10% desposit. By rights, the seller could have walked away from the deal, taking the 10% with them because it didnt close at the due date! 

Room for Error and Stress Reduction when Moving to Lanzarote

Leave yourself room for error such as for potential transport delays, or not having household internet for 5 days longer than originally expected when you arrive for example.

It is not like a jigsaw set that pieces together beautifully. It can be a little more like plate spinning.

The art is in allowing more time than looks necessary on paper!

Big stresses (Ex: Furniture shipping) and the micro stresses (Ex: Internet connection) that go along with moving anywhere but especially another country, can build up and become overwhelming.

Push out the timelines on some less important appointments and focus on the ones that are more important in the overall management of the process.

The trick is to recognise which ones you can manage. The biggest one is managing your own expectations out of how a move will go.

Give yourself grace to be peeved if things do go awry, but enough flexiblity in your approach to try think with a clear mind and create a solution.

3. Get a True Sense of the Location

Maybe you are not buying a property yet (or ever) but this is old saying will ring true either way:

''If you want to know me, Come live with Me''

In this sense, when choosing to relocate to another country then it is very worthwhile to rent a property in or near where you feel your destination of choice would be.

This can help you settle better later on or even help clear up doubts about what life will be like in the longer term.

Visiting an area on holiday versus living in a particular place full time are often very different experiences. By doing this you can clarify the different feelings between these experiences, for the good or bad!

Before you fully commit to your move, it's a good idea to do recheck your research on the local area. Look into the actual cost of living, the job market, the local culture and customs. This will help you better understand what to expect your future life to be.

4. Check out Where Locals Shop and Eat

Make yourself feel at home by checking out what the locals do or maybe find places other ex-pats have discovered, away the regular tourist strips.

This mightn't apply so much to clothing or grocery shopping in Lanzarote. There are shopping centres and large supermarkets dotted around the island with varying prices that attract locals and tourists alike.

Note: in saying that, certain things such as shoes can be found in independent stores in Arrecife and tend to offer extremely reasonable pricing in comparison.

When it comes to restaurants as well as cafes, it can differ though.

Dining Secrets in Lanzarote

Teleclubs in Lanzarote for example, are not frequented as much by holiday makers, yet they offer great local food at far lower prices.

Take a chance and drop into places that look frequented by locals, even aside from Teleclubs, and you'll soon discover that they look after their clients. 

They genuinely appreciate the business (in most cases!) and by making yourself a 'regular' you will often be given the local price of things - yes it happens!

5. Set Up Your Utilities and Services

Once you have a place to live, you'll need to set up utilities such as electricity, water, and internet.

There might be other items that you might need to do as well such as bin collection etc. Having a good idea how to go about doing so should be part of your written plan ealier on in the journey.

Now, is time to put that part of the plan into action.

6. Set and Keep Important Appointments Early

Try to ensure that the first number of weeks do not feel like a holiday.

Of course, you go and see the main attractions and get to grips with the social aspects, however make certain to make a visit with an employment firm or someone who can help you establish your foothold here.

7. Think Through Your Housing Criteria

Having an accurate criteria for your Lanzarote property search based within realistic expectations is extremely important. 

Whether renting or buying you should factor in things such as weather a pool is needed or whether you might need to be close to a busier vibe/more rural feel.

By having a thorough picture of what you need and comparing to what is happening within the market, Espacio Lanzarote Real Estate can then advise and guide you to the highest standard when it comes to buying property

Simply Book A Consultation, forwarding your Name, Phone Number & Email along with any initial questions you would like to cover.

Want to rent long term then Jose Mena is the most specialised long term rental property agents on the island working through English, German and Spanish to will make the process of renting long term in Lanzarote far more straighforward than you can imagine.

His professionalism and overall character is what you need to put your mind at ease during what could be a stressful undertaking.

Jose can be contacted here: Jose Agente Inmobiliario Lanzarote

8 Ensure You Have Adequate Cash Reserves

Often things don't go according to plan.

It's excellent to be have all bases covered, so whatever goes wrong does not end up creating a whole lot more trouble 

It could be a medical or home emergency issue. It might be a situation where a gaining employment takes a little bit longer than expected.

Whatever it is, having enough in the bank in cases such as this can go a long way in providing comfort through a crisis.

9. Get Language Skills on Track

We dare say most English speakers from England, Ireland Welsh or Scottish who move to Lanzarote do not go the whole hog and learn Spanish. 

However, you would be very surprise how far, even a few words will help while you are here.

From ordering the right coffee to listening to a Spanish song or being able to read a bill or notice. Even to use as a common language while meeting people from Italy or Germany, it is a handy skill to pick up.

You dont always want to be relying on someone else to read through what could possibly be a very personal letter or notice. And you probably dont want to be constantly paying a professional to do it for you either. So go ahead and dive into learning spanish beforehand online or while you're here.

It will stand to you we promise! 

10. Network with Expats as well as Locals!

Stay in a rental until you discover someplace much more permanent will be a great way to get the regional customs, societital norms and more, while another will certainly be to be familiar with the expat area. You'll obtain a genuine insider view on what it resembles to live in your brand-new city or nation from somebody that's done it themselves as well!

You should move to a brand-new city or nation sensation like you understand it currently. If you desire to fit in with the residents and save some money also, make on your own feel at house by locating out where the locals shop and then shop there as well. Connecting is important when setting up home in a brand-new city or nation.You'll obtain a genuine inside view on what it's like to live in your new city or country from someone that's done it themselves as well!

Find us at

Espacio Lanzarote Real Estate, 5 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
[email protected]